Solar power generation

Continuously tracking and forecasting solar power generation enables Elia to operate its grid smoothly around the clock.


Solar-PV Power Forecasting for Belgium


Begin date:

End date:

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2 Map legend

  • Aggregate information for Belgium
    Here, you can view information about the forecast [MW], measurement [MW] and monitored capacity [MWp] for a certain quarter-hour for the country as a whole. Under the date picker you will find information for the selected quarter of an hour for the country as a whole.
  • Colour legend
    This is used to colour the regions based on their forecasted or measured load factor for each quarter hour.

3 Graph legend

  • Time interval
  • Forecast period

    The forecast period always begins with the DForecast (intraday data) and runs to the D+7 forecast (future data).

  • Week-ahead forecast

    This is a snapshot of the D+7 forecast and is updated at 4.45 p.m. (with values created at 4.00 p.m.).

  • Day-ahead forecast
    This is a snapshot of D+1 forecast and is updated at 5.40 p.m. (with values created at 4.00 p.m.).
  • Most recent forecast

    This forecast is updated every hour. 

  • Measurement updates

    The unique quarter-hourly value for upscaled measurements is updated every quarter of an hour. The value is always the amount of power equivalent to the running average measured for that particular quarter-hour. These measurement data are always obtained from an estimate based on an extrapolation, since Elia does not have all the measurement data at its disposal.

  • Monitored capacity

    Elia always tries to ensure that its forecasts and the corresponding measurements reflect the latest situation with regard to installed solar-PV power capacity in the Belgian control area. Installed capacities are displayed in MW-peak and are retrieved from data shared by regional authorities: Vlaams energie en klimaatagentschap (in Dutch) and Carte dynamique (solaire et éolien) de la Wallonie (in French)

    Depending on the filters selected, the monitored capacity displayed is shown in the graph alongside the filter buttons.

  • Load factor
    The percentage ratio between the upscaled measurement in [MW] and the monitored capacity in [MW].

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