Sale of federal green certificates

The federal government has developed a scheme requiring system operators to purchase green certificates at a guaranteed minimum price.As a transmission system operator, Elia is responsible for fulfilling these public service obligations and is therefore required to purchase green certificates from any green power producer that asks it to do so. These certificates may be issued by CREG, VREG, CWaPE (SPW since 1 May 2019) or BRUGEL.

Elia's role

In its capacity as a transmission system operator, Elia must buy green certificates from green power producers in Belgium. As a transmission system operator, Elia is bound by public service obligations and is therefore required to purchase green certificates from any green power producer that asks it to do so. These certificates may be issued by CREG, VREG, CWaPE (SPW since 1 May 2019) or BRUGEL.

Which facilities?

Offshore wind farms, photovoltaic facilities commissioned before 1 August 2012 and facilities that use water or tidal energy to generate electricity are entitled to receive this support. Facilities are eligible for federal support for a period of 10 years after they are first commissioned.

The guaranteed minimum prices are set in Article 14 of the Royal Decree of 16 July 2002 on the introduction of mechanisms promoting renewable electricity generation.


Once green certificates from offshore wind farms have been sold to Elia, the producer sends an invoice to Elia by post (Elia Transmission Belgium SA, Supplier Accounts, Boulevard de l'Empereur 20, 1000 Brussels) or email ([email protected] – invoice must be in PDF format - only one attachment per email is allowed).

Once green certificates from photovoltaic facilities in Wallonia have been sold to Elia, the producer sends an invoice based on the example to Elia by post (Elia Transmission Belgium SA, Supplier Accounts, Boulevard de l'Empereur 20, 1000 Brussels) or email ([email protected] – invoice must be in PDF format - only one attachment per email is allowed).

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