Installation procedure

What installation procedure do I need to follow, and how do I access metering messages ?

  • Prerequisites

    EIC codes

    You need to get an EIC code before you can request access to metering messages.

    The first step towards accessing Elia metering data is the creation of an EIC code for your company. The EIC code creation procedure may take several days.

    What is an EIC code?
    Get an EIC code
    View list of existing EIC codes

  • Access to metering messages on EVMS

    Request for the creation of a user ID on EVMS

    The second step is the submission of a request for an EVMS (1) user ID and password. The EVMS user ID creation procedure may take several days. The password linked to the user ID is always sent by post (DHL).

    Get an EVMS user ID

    Once you have your EVMS user ID and password, you can follow the relevant procedure (see below) to learn how to access Elia metering data. The procedure you should follow depends on the solution you have selected (Business to Customer or Business to Business).
    (1) EVMS (Elia Validated Metering System) is the tool that Elia uses to publish all its metering data.

    Business-to-Customer (B2C) users
    What is Business-to-Customer (B2C) ? 

    The B2C solution manually exports Elia metering data in Excel format (.xlsx) from a web platform (HTTPS). This is an ideal solution for any user wanting to import data on a monthly or yearly basis without having to upgrade their IT infrastructure. 


    • HTTPS
    • Excel format (.xlsx)
    • No IT upgrades required
    • Manual exports, automation not possible
    • Archive (max. 24 months) available on the platform

    Access procedure:

    If you have selected the B2C solution, you will not need to install anything. The https platform can be viewed directly using a web browser.

    • To log in, enter your EVMS user ID and your password in the 'Username' and 'Password' fields.
      If you have any problems with your EVMS user ID, contact [email protected] or +32 (0) 2 382 21 33.
    • Click on 'Select a company' and select your company.
    • Once you are logged in, the available data will be displayed as a list. You can filter the list by metering data type, company role, metering data EAN, publication month and date of last update. You can download the data by clicking on the small icon at the far left of each row.
    • To log off, simply close your web browser.
    Business-to-Business (B2B) users
    What is Business-to-Business (B2B) ? 

    The B2B solution provides for the automated export of Elia metering data in .CSV or .XML format via the sFTP communication protocol. This is a perfect solution for users wanting to automate imports of Elia data to their own software or needing to process large volumes of data. 


    • sFTP
    • .CSV or .XML format
    • IT upgrade required to establish the connection via the above protocol and to process/import files
    • Archive managed by the user's system

    SFTP installation procedure

    When the SFTP protocol is selected, Elia creates a special structure within a server environment. The EVMS user ID supplied by Elia will be linked to the default directory within this structure. Users must connect to the server using the following settings:

    • Protocol: SFTP (do not forget the "S")
    • URL: (do not forget the "S")
    • Port: 22 (default for SFTP)

    Tests can be carried out with other software, such as FileZilla (free and easy to use). Apply the settings shown above.
    Information about the messages exchanged, the message formats (CSV, XML, Excel), the B2C solution and the FTP platform can be found here:

    If you would like information about the FTP protocol and the installation procedure, contact [email protected] 

    Once you have your EVMS user ID and password, you can follow the relevant procedure (see below) to learn how to access Elia metering data. The procedure you should follow depends on the solution you have selected (Business to Customer or Business to Business).
    (1) EVMS (Elia Validated Metering System) is the tool that Elia uses to publish all its metering data.

  • Access to metering messages on EPIC (For The Grid User Only)

    EPIC has the ambition to merge and provide the best of the service Elia can offer into one single application. As such, the provision of metering data on the platform is a cornerstone. The platform is built to rid our stakeholders of the hassle that is having to maintain multiple userIDs and password.

    More information about this new portal can be found here :

    More information

    You can also visit the epic helpcenter to find answers to the frequently asked questions.

    EPIC helpcenter

Elia Metering Services
DN Grid Access
If you have any problems with your EVMS user ID:
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