Imbalance prices forecasts (trial publication)
Elia publishes imbalance price forecasts one minute before the beginning of the quarter-hour to which it applies, at best effort in a proof-of-concept mode.
On the 18th of September 2024 until 22th of November 2024, Elia launched a trial publication about the imbalance price: a forecast of the imbalance price was made available, upon request, one minute before the quarter-hour to which it applied. The goal was to test the idea of publishing a forecast before the quarter-hour and gather market parties’ feedback.
Specifically, this publication includes:
- A forecast of the imbalance price available one minute before the beginning of the quarter-hour to which it applies;
- A confidence indicator to communicate how much Elia is sure about the forecast.
Publication on TraXes
The forecasts of the imbalance prices were published via API only on the traXes platform.
The historical data, as of go-live until the end, is available here.
To request access to traXes, registration is needed by sending an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information: first name, last name, company.
Methodology and quality analysis
The methodology to forecast the imbalance price and the quality analysis linked to the publication have been explained during the info session of the 11th of September. The record of the info session is available hereunder and the slides are available here .