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Editorial Policy is published by Gamer Network Ltd. The company has a fundamental, long-term commitment to games. Our business is games, our people are gamers. So we want to build great long-term relationships with our readers and advertisers, and to operate with integrity in both creative and commercial areas.

Gamer Network firmly believes in the highest possible journalistic standards, and as such abides by a strict editorial code of ethics that aims to reflect the core values of objectivity, accuracy, fairness and transparency.

Therefore we've compiled a list of things we hold important - a set of rules that we live by, and procedures that we follow.

  • Editorial and commercial issues are kept separate.
  • We report stories as we see them, as accurately and impartially as possible - we serve our readers and thereby our advertisers best by being reliable, fair and impartial.
  • If we receive a response after publication, we update the story or add a new one where necessary.
  • We always offer a right to reply, correct any factual errors brought to our attention, and credit our sources clearly where applicable.
  • We do not publish an unsubstantiated rumour without first having attempted to verify it ourselves, but will respect any request for sources to remain confidential.
  • We believe in being fair, honest and transparent in our dealings with advertisers.
  • We will not "oversell" nor over-claim about our readership. The traffic on all our sites is regularly verified by third parties, and we publish that information promptly.
  • We provide a consultative sales approach based on understanding our readers, our advertisers and the marketplace.

If you believe a particular story or feature or aspect of how we work falls short of the above, please contact the editor.