09 May 2023
Green light given to the 2024-2034 Federal Development Plan, which describes the investment needs of the Belgian high-voltage grid
The Federal Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten has approved the 2024-2034 Federal Development Plan. The law requires such a plan to be drawn up and published every four years. Each plan translates European objectives, federal energy policy and the implementation of regional economic development policies into concrete projects. By providing sufficient transmission capacity in a timely manner, we are making our energy system more independent, resilient and sustainable. The rise in renewable energy sources as well as the extensive electrification of our energy-intensive industries have created emergencies that are fast requiring additional investments in the grid.
The 2024-2034 Federal Development Plan is based on five principles:

Press releases
Green light given to the 2024-2034 Federal Development Plan, which describes the investment needs of the Belgian high-voltage grid
Feu vert pour le Plan de Développement fédéral 2024-2034 qui décrit les besoins d’investissement du réseau à haute tension belge
Groen licht voor Federaal Ontwikkelingsplan 2024-2034 dat investeringsnoden beschrijft van Belgische hoogspanningsnet